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Seth Howard

phone: 802.369.9076


If you have an instrument that needs repair, maintenance or tuning, please contact Seth for arranging evaluation & drop off at the Dojo. 

NOTE:  Free evaluation & estimate before all services. 

Name *

Email *



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Electric, acoustic and classical guitars, bass, violin, banjo, mandolin, uke



Restring & set up - $30

(cleaning the guitar, oiling the finger board,  polishing the frets, tighten all hardware, intonating the bridge, adjusting truss rod, setting the string hight. Includes a set of high quality strings)

Let me know if you have a preferred string brand.


Output jack replacement - $20


Following services are billed by

30min rate ($30)


Pick up installation 

Leveling and re-crowning the frets

Replacing the frets (Gibson style available)

Tuning machine replacement 

Nut replacement 

Bridge replacement

Acoustic bridge re-gluing



Banjo skin head replacement


Violin sound post setting

Violin bridge replacement



These services are billed by

30min rate ($30)


Jack replacement

Speaker replacement

Tube replacement

Tube biasing


Speaker grille replacement


Custom amplifier cabinets built to order

Rebuild and restore damaged cabinets



These services are billed by

30min rate ($30)


Head replacement and tuning

General hardware maintenance and repair

Bass drum pedal service


Hand drum: head replacement (bongo, djembe, conga) Call for specific type, please.

"For musicians it is critical to come together to learn and develop.
What Tuck's Rock Dojo is doing is really unusual and really important."
Ford Daley, Atrium Supervisor at Hanover High School

copyright 2009 tucksrockdojo - site by katasasvari

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