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To minimize the potential spread of the SARS-Cov-2 virus, Tuck's Rock Dojo has instituted the following policies and procedures using guidelines from the CDC in regard to offering our services. We continue to aim to serve the community and fulfill our mission of providing excellent musical services and instruction. Our primary goal is to maintain the safety and health of our students. Tuck's Rock Dojo is committed to taking all recommended safety and sanitation precautions.



1. Students and accompanying adult will be asked to wear masks in the Dojo and to wash hands or use hand sanitizer before and after their session.

2. We ask students to either arrive alone or with one family member 

3. To reduce social exposures, visitors will not be allowed to accompany you into the clinic unless they are necessary to assist with your mobility or care. 4. We will stagger appointments to allow for easy transition in and out of the building, prohibiting interactions between clients. We ask that you do not enter the clinic until your appointment time. If you encounter another patient, please maintain at least 6 feet of social distance. 5. Clients will wait in their cars until the time of service and will leave immediately after service. There will be no waiting room. 6. We will clean thoroughly between all appointments. 7. Clients will not be allowed into the space who have a fever, cough, or any symptoms that could be caused by Covid-19. 8. Clients who have traveled outside the Upper Valley should not come to Open Door unless they receive approval from their clinician or Open Door's Founder. 9. Please notify us if you have recently developed any of the following symptoms: cough, shortness of breath, fever, chills, fatigue, sore throat, loss of taste or smell, nasal congestion, unattributable muscle aches, diarrhea. Missed appointment fees will be waived if you cancel due to these symptoms. 10. Immunocompromised clients should get clearance from their practitioner in case special arrangements need to be made. 11. Scheduling will be done directly with practitioners. Practitioners will screen clients and clarify procedures prior to scheduling appointments.

"For musicians it is critical to come together to learn and develop.
What Tuck's Rock Dojo is doing is really unusual and really important."
Ford Daley, Atrium Supervisor at Hanover High School

copyright 2009 tucksrockdojo - site by katasasvari

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